Free up Space.

Avoid Error Messages.

Save Time.

WSUS Automated Maintenance©

WSUS Automated Maintenance (WAM) © is a software solution that automates the maintenance required for WSUS. WAM was created by Adam J. Marshall and is licensed on a yearly subscription through AJ Tek.

Features of WAM

Indexes the WSUS Database

Add WSUS Index Optimization to the database to increase the speed of many database operations in WSUS by approximately 1000-1500 times faster.

Remove Drivers

Remove all Drivers from the WSUS Database and keeps them clean (Default; Optional).

Decline Multiple Types of Updates

Shrink your WSUS Content folder’s size by declining multiple types of updates including by default any superseded updates, preview updates, expired updates, and more.

Remove Declined Updates

Remove declined updates from the WSUS Database.

Clean Synchronization Logs

Clean out all the synchronization logs that have built up over time (configurable, with the default keeping the last 14 days of logs).

Computer Object Cleanup

Computer Object Cleanup (configurable, with the default of deleting computer objects that have not synced within 30 days).


Super Easy Installation

Guided installer for a simple installation experience. It also comes with an unattended installation procedure for easy deployment to multiple systems, or for server core installs.

Support Included

Support is included for active subscriptions on the latest version of the software.

Backup the WSUS Database

Backs up the WSUS database (WID or Local SQL Server). Remote SQL Servers should have an alternative method like an enterprise backup solution already so WAM will not back them up.

How to Setup, Manage, and Maintain WSUS: Part 1 – Choosing your Server OS

In this 8-part series, we will go over a good strategy on setting up Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) and managing it using test groups approval processing, and more.

WSUS Post-deployment Configuration Failed – Windows Server 2022

If you are trying to install WSUS on a server using the Windows Internal Database (WID), you will likely NOT receive this error. This is because even on Windows Server 2022, the WID is an older special embedded version of SQL server. 

Remove Unnecessary Updates from WSUS Server

Removing unnecessary updates will free up a significant amount of space on servers. While WSUS knows when older updates become obsolete and are no longer needed, they remain on the server—taking up space—until *you* remove them.  

How to Avoid WSUS Errors

As a system admin, it’s likely that you’ll run into WSUS errors and Windows Update client errors, as it’s just part of the job. The extremely frustrating part is that often, the error code is a maddening mix of letters and numbers…

What Our Clients Say

We’ve now got WAM installed and working and – WOW – does it work!

I have been throwing RAM and HDD space at this server for years, reinstalled, adjusted parameters and done manual repairs of the database and what not to keep it running stable. Lastly the SQL server started chewing constantly on some never ending task. But before wiping, we decided to get the latest WAM. Two runs, some adjustments according to the tips in the reports and WSUS is better than new. Even the SQL server seems to have lazy days now and the hardware got rid of about 1TB of unnecessary trash.

Thanks again, WAM was well spent money!

Raymond Hellberg, Senior Advisor ICT - National ICT Department

Statped, Heimdal, Norway, January 24, 2022

This is the way WSUS should work. Without this script it simply didn’t work at all for us and we were ready to give up and use a third party solution instead. The WAM script cleared up all the issues we were having and now WSUS is responsive and does what it is supposed to do. Great product, easy to install and configure.

Shane Overturf - Madison Valley Medical Center

Ennis, MT, USA, June 19, 2021

I have been working with WSUS for over 10 years. WAM is absolutely fantastic. It simplifies the maintenance of the WSUS server, it’s like magic.
The Update Service Management Console is now lightning fast and never comes up with the ‘reset’ option.
Support, if needed, is fantastic. This software really does what it claims to do. I would recommend it to all WSUS administrators.

David Green, Diamond Singer Partners

Caulfield South Victoria, Australia, February 20, 2022

I had trouble with WSUS starting in May, when I had the audacity or naivety to run the native WSUS Cleanup tools. I knew I was in trouble the next morning when cleanup looked like it was still running but was actually hung and IIS had crashed. Fast forward three months: After countless fixes to keep WSUS/IIS from crashing, get clients to report, hundreds of “status unknown” updates hanging around, etc. I purchased WAM (found from rave reviews in the Spiceworks community). Installed it, did first run, it gave me 4 settings to change AND the PS commands to change them. VOILA, my issues are FIXED! Clients are reporting timely, IIS not stopping, no more status unknown in reporting and every workstation is up to date.

THANK YOU ADAM – YOU ARE NOW #1 ON MY FAVORITE CANADIANS LIST (Ryan Reynolds and Eugene Levy just fell to the #2 and 3 spots)!

Mary Kay Cassidy, Systems Specialist

Harris, Karstaedt, Jamison & Powers, P.C., Colorado USA, September 21, 2021

After installing WSUS with a little initial success, I made the mistake of turning on the Drivers category. After waiting for a couple of synchronizations, it started failing to load so I googled an answer and increased the memory pool. Didn’t help running the app, but then, I started getting complaints from users that other services had stopped working. The larger memory pool was bringing down Remote Gateway so our remote workers all lost their connections. Other services stopped working too. After reverting the memory pool and getting everything restarted, I was in a catch-22. I couldn’t remove the driver updates, but couldn’t run the program with them there.

After spending many hours beating my head against the wall, I decided to spring for WAM and I’m so glad I did. It churned away and repaired all the problems and now WSUS is working fine. So worth it!

Jim Julian, Systems Administrator - Applicad Inc.

Farmingdale, NJ, USA , December 28, 2020

I have to admit, I am impressed with WAM. I installed WSUS on a virtual Win2019 box and was getting frustrated with constant error messages. WAM fixed everything, and WSUS is REALLY fast now. The product is worth every penny.

David Silberberg

Baltimore, Maryland, February 17, 2021